Thursday, April 30, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sign Generator

Sign Generator also a pretty fun tool my middle school students can have fun playing with. They can play with symbolism and can critique their artwork. This allows students to express their artistic capability even though they may not be able to create artwork using a paper and crayons mode. I really enjoy the freedom that technology gives our students and the outside of the box thinking that happens with teachers as well.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Spell City

Spell City will come in handy for my ELD intervention students. They really struggle with written language and do not have an appropriate spelling level for their age. This is a group that lacks motivation. I know that using computers and working on their spelling will motivate my struggling students.


I have to say that creating a video through Animoto was a lot easier than I anticipated. It was very user friendly and only 3 easy steps. I can totally see my students including this into future projects. This allows for creativity without it being so overwhelming to new emerging technological users. Myself included. Now that I have done it, I can't wait to share it with my students. I can see my low motivated students become engaged with this tool and maybe inspire them to write.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

2nd Technology Assignment

I am quite excitied to see the end result of our second assignment. Our focuss is on poetry and students will be creating a powerpoint presentation on various poetic devices and genres. We are currently on vacation right now and will not come back for another three weeks. I gave them some work to begin at home so that when we come back from we can hit the floor running. Some students were interested on starting their presentations at home. Again, I gave them step by step directions on how to start a power point presentation and how to save it on a flashdrive so they can download onto the server when they came back form vacation. I also reminded them they can use the library at our school site and save their work on the school server.

Student Surveys

After reading student surveys, I realized many students had already done word documents before. Nevertheless, an overwhelming majority expressed that the step by step directions they wrote for saving their work onto the server and creating a word document was very useful. I contemplated giving students a handout, but decided for them to write it down themselves. It worked out pretty well. I am really happy to see that students responded well to the first assignment and had a good time typing their papers. They truly are fast learners with small learning curves when it comes to technology.